Who is behind


I am a philosopher, traveler and lover of symbols. I was born in Barcelona, and grew up in the outskirts, near the mountains, a place that accompanied my thirst for nature and introspection. Throughout my life I have been fascinated by the concept of identity, driven to know more and more about myself and others, surfing my imagination with paper and ink. Who I am? What are my talents? And my insecurities? How am I perceived? When do I feel free, and when do I feel limited? What place do I occupy in the world? What else is possible...?

A bit more about Auriga...

Hello little person!

Welcome to this space… It is created for us! (vibrant souls) To bring out our inner fire, our warrior voice and the root force that leads us towards abundance, balance and success. If you are reading this, you are very close to the next sign, or clue. This life of ours is a great gymkhana: a set of tests of great skill or ingenuity that intertwine and lead us to the great prize... Discovering that all this is a game, that we have already gone too far.

I am here because I have discovered one of the many wonderful tricks that reveal the signs on the road.

I'm not trying to give you advice, or show you The Solution, The Key to Happiness, etc. My most sincere intention is to share with you a universal equation that you can apply to every question or uncertainty that arises on a daily basis. Uncertainty will always be there! The only thing that belongs to us is the reaction or skill with which we navigate external conditions.

I invite you to awaken the Goddess/God in you, and join the tribe of free souls! You are not alone, you never have been. You walk alongside your ancestors, your dreams, the nature that gives you life, the wonderful body that you inhabit and a soul that watches over and sings for you when you forget to do so.

Thank you for being here, for answering the call and for your living spirit!!!

Are you ready…? I wait for you!

At that time, the first philosophy classes and Plato writings... Yes. The Morphopsychology Postgraduate Degree with Julián Gabarre! Clarissa Pinkola Estés's book, “Women Who Run with Wolves.” The Education for Peace syllabus at the Peace School of Culture in Barcelona. A book I read in college about the Commons by Elinor Ostrom. The Hebrew Letters. More recently, The Nine Revelations by James Redfield and the Evolutionary Numerology Course with Martine Coquatrix. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov with his books on Kabbalah, The Tree of Life and various elevations... The book “The Power of Trusting You” by Curro Cañete. Master Mario Sabán and his wonderful school. The infinite messages from my body when practicing yoga. The mirror and its reflections ;) And, among others, the music of the Hermanos Gutiérrez. And you...?

Some spaces that have inspired me



My purpose is to give you a taste of yourself. So that you want more, like it happened to me. But Auriga is not about me...

You know there is something inside you that doesn't like limits. There is something within you that longs for personal freedom. So, do you want to stop unconsciously moving and guide your intentions consciously?

Send me your proposal to or complete the form.