Trust your instinct.
Tune your inner voice.
Ally yourself with your mind and transform your life.

Welcome to AURIGA.

A space created for us, vibrant souls...

Bring out your inner fire, your warrior voice and the root force that leads you towards abundance, balance and success.

You are an agent of change. A wise soul capable of navigating uncertainty with power and determination. Claim your heritage of light and ally yourself with Nature. Show what you are capable of.

The Sacred Path of Numbers

Evolutionary Numerology is a self-knowledge technique through which we decode your identity from your full name and date of birth.


Because from your name and date of birth, you get the numbers that accompany you at birth, but also those that you are destined to live. That is, what you are like in your first years of life, and where you are going as you evolve as a person.

It not only reveals how you are or have been at a given moment, but takes into account the constant development of the self through external circumstances.

Your birth information is the initial box. If you become aware of your life path and your chosen character to walk it, you become the owner of your own evolution, transforming the numbers and taking them to their luminous version.

This tool offers you to highlight your gifts and abilities, to invite you to develop them until the end of your life. The path is as long as you walk, a unique route of which only you know the direction. With the harmonious development of your lights, you will be able to embrace and overcome your shadows and karmas.


What is your primary personality, your ego? How was your childhood? And how is your inner child. What did you expect from your parents? What did your parents project on you at the time of your birth?

What is your emotional manual like and how do you regulate these emotions.

What creativity moves you? What is your ideal environment, in which flourishing is easy. And your deep motivation? What do you really want to do?

Where do you find freedom? Where to start looking for it? What is your inner warrior like? How to regain energy when you feel like you're losing it?

What is your way of loving, how do you expect to be loved, what is your love language. Partners you attract, why, and how to align yourself with your ideal relationship. How do you experience motherhood or fatherhood?

The way to attract projects and manage talent. How do you create abundance.

And your sense of the sacred? How you connect to your spirit and the spirit of the universe. What is it, that great thing, to which your soul aspires... What do you want to offer humanity with your life?

You can begin to reveal any doubt that may arise from within. Get ready, because if you dig in, you're going to want more. I am looking forward to share with you this tool. It is a path you can walk for life.


This is a single 2-hour session in which we answer the previous questions in addition to revealing, if desired, many other aspects:

The path of your soul, your stages of evolution (learning, production and harvest), and deeper aspects of how to navigate the awakening of your soul and how to enter the initiatory path (this is for those who resonate with it).

A 2-hour session of personalized interpretation, your numerological map in PDF with all the information with which you can work for life, document with personalized affirmations, question-answer space after the meeting (for any doubts or comments that arise).

In case you want to bring numerology into your daily life, I can also share with you an energetic calendar of the personal year you are in, warning you of possible traps and trampolines.

The meeting can be in person or online, depending on where we are :)

I encourage you to reveal the mysteries that your soul hides and the serendipities that the universe keeps for you...


I plan to stay managing this space of supra-personal-evolution to take us to the infinite ;) So, if you want to learn to heal yourself through your numbers, get in touch again and we will plan a further session (or sessions) of transmutation. Transcend that identity you now know to raise your consciousness above the ego. Stop guiding yourself by the psychological level and start communicating with the cosmogonic level (for whoever resonates with it).

For The Meeting

What Do You Give?

Full Name
Your Mother's 2 Surnames
Your Father's 2 Surnames

Date of Birth (day/month/year)

Brief comment about what moves you to Auriga

What Do You Receive?

Interpretation of your numerological code through a 2-hour session

Your numerology in PDF so you can work with it

A document with personalized japas to lead your attitude

A Question-Answer space after the session via email


Shall we begin? Reserve your space through

Also, you can share any questions or queries with me, I will be happy to assist you :)